
Cultivate is a community-driven web platform for practice-building K-12 educators (Cultivators) and specialized educators who want to share their niche skills (Lead Cultivators). Our objective is to make improvements and add functionality to their web application.

Tools: InVision, Sketch, Google Sheets, Keynote, and Zoom.
Methods: Cognitive walkthrough, wireframing, contextual inquiry, and interactive prototype tour.
Deliverables: Cognitive walkthrough, interactive prototype tour, research findings, and prototype plan.

 Cognitive Walkthrough

  • A cognitive walkthrough identified various opportunity areas, primarily focused on issues of visibility and hierarchy.

  • The research focused on tasks carried out by both primary users: Cultivators and Lead Cultivators.

  • The highest priority complication found was the lack of functionality, and visibility, of the "post" button on community pages.

Contextual Inquiry

  • One-hour contextual inquiries were conducted over zoom with two primary users to identify further potential improvements.

  • One participant refused to continue engaging with the platform until its purpose was more apparent to the user.

  • Neither participant was able to make a post to a community board.

  • Participants expressed a desire to connect on Cultivate privately.

Proposed Changes

• The addition of a private messaging system.

• Adjust visibility, hierarchy, and functionality of the post button.

• A redesign of the home screen to increase the clarity of the platform's intent.

Interactive Prototype

  • All UI elements for the prototype were produced in Sketch, then imported into InVision to add interactivity.

  • All visuals were created to match the fidelity of the existing platform.

  • Tour points were generated on top of the prototype providing the client with a guide through the available functionality.

  • A hand-drawn flow was created for the prototype to inform a seamless progression through all proposed changes upon presentation.

  • The prototype would follow the journey of a persona named Geoffrey as the 6th-grade teacher seeks resources on inclusive education.

  • This low-fidelity version of Geoffrey's scenario offered the flexibility to make quick adjustments before moving on to high-fidelity versions.



With a few additions and tweaks, Cultivate will thrive. Users call for more private communication, a functional post button, and greater clarity of Cultivate's intent on the landing page. All reasonable and achievable requests. With the addition of the proposed foundational features, I see a bright future for this web application.